- Hi, I'm Julian Adams. You know, a few years ago I met a dear, dear lady who I was ministering to in South Africa. And she explained to me how a prophet had come in to her town and told everyone that Jesus was coming back on a particular date. this lady had to sell everything that she had and give all of it away, and give him the money, Of course. Alas Jesus did not come back. On the day that they thought and she was living in this incredible place of disappointment and now publicly cause everything had been given away, And a sense of holy frustration and anger was just raised up on the inside of me. I was just like, "how dare people who are supposed to be representing God lead people astray like this?" And so I thought I just give you some things around end times and the prophetic cause everyone is so concerned about the coming apocalypse. And my view might be a little bit different but I wanna throw it out there. Firstly, the Bible is quite clear. So let's not mess around. No one knows the time or the day. Let's not mess with that. That's what the Bible says, Let's stick with that. We don't know, we don't have a clue. I don't care how many charts you have, I don't care how many words you've got at the end of the day we do not know. Let's stick with that, cause that's very clear. The second thing I think I just want to mention around the whole end-time thing is that for me in Scripture, it seems like the Bible more often talks about Heaven coming to earth. And in the end, in fact, in the book of Revelation, we see that the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, comes down to earth. It's not that we all get sucked up out of the earth, going to heaven. The End Time does not look like us separating the earth. No, no. In fact, when we talk about what it looks like when Jesus fully comes, it is that heaven comes to earth and makes everything new. In fact, if you look at all of the parables in Scripture, you see quite an incredible thing. It seems like the evil ones are taken out of the earth. It seems like the evil ones are, "raptured." It seems like the evil ones leave the earth and it's the godly ones who get to redeem the earth and recreate it with God, with Jesus. So for me, the whole concept of being separated from this earth to be taken to a completely different detached reality is not what the Bible is all about. It's not what the Bible says. In fact, the Bible seems to indicate that heaven was made for earth and that one day there's going to be a beautiful marriage again, and all things will be made new. The third thing I want to say on the end times and the prophetic is that so many people are so concerned about the jolly Antichrist and the triple six. I'm gonna get a little bit passionate. This is my hobby horse, but forgive me, But the book of Revelation speaks more about the mark of God. I wanna be marked by God not by some 666. Who cares about that? At the end of the day, because I'm in Christ, I'm secure. And I wanna make sure that I get as many people in Christ as possible. I wanna make sure that my life is lived in such a way as to invite people into relationship with Jesus. Not because it's fire insurance, not because it secures us going to heaven but Because ultimately, Jesus wants to make a brand new earth through you and me. He wants to partner with us to recreate heaven on earth. And to see everything come into the way he always intended it to be. So can I please ask you if you're prophetic, and you're trying to read the end times, move away from trying to figure out who the Antichrist is move away from trying to figure out the triple six dynamic cause that's not what it's about. It's about loving Jesus it's about pursuing him. The book of prophecy, in Revelation that we see the prophetic word are meant to encourage us. Prophecy's always encouraging. It's not meant to make us depressed. So if you read the book of Revelation, and you end up depressed, unhappy and scared, that's probably not the way you should be reading it. And then the last point I want to make very simply, is that in The Book of Thessalonians, the Bible talks about not despising prophecy, about using it as a warfare tool and he does so in the context of the end times. In other words, prophetic ministry today that is supposed to build us and encourage us in these last days, as it were, is not meant to be something that creates fear. It's meant to encourage us, it means that we get to live with a hope filled expectation that Jesus is coming back and he'll make all things new. You and I get to partner with living in a way that looks like heaven on earth, so that Jesus can come back and make all things new. Will you be the prophetic picture of who Jesus is to a lost and a dying world, not simply to let them buy into a fire escape plan, but to buy into living life, like heaven on earth, for the sake of his kingdom. If you're looking for more content like this, why don't you leave your comments below and tell us what you're thinking about and what information you want. I also want to encourage you to check out our website, we've got a free ebook called Living Big, which will help you work in the purposes that God has for you. Thank you so much for watching this YouTube channel.
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