I recently had a phone call with my friend Shawn Bolz where he interviewed me for his podcast Exploring the Prophetic. I talk about my love based approach in the prophetic and how this has lead to the Lord opening doors in influential circles. Listen to part one of this interview here or on
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– Transcript
Shawn: Hi. I’m Shawn Bolz. And I wanna welcome you to Exploring the Prophetic Podcast. I have a passion for how the prophetic gifts can change the world around us. They make simple everyday people like you and I a catalyst for life-changing experiences with the supernatural. On this podcast, I have friends from all different backgrounds, who each have a powerful story to tell about how the prophetic is shaping their world. I invite you, to be part of the conversation. This is Exploring the Prophetic.
Welcome to the show today. This is Shawn Bolz, your host. And I’m really excited to talk to a man named Julian Adams, who leads a ministry called Frequentsee. Which is actually spelled frequent, then S-E-E, which is really a play on words. A cool play on words because he talks a lot about just having the frequency of the Father’s heart. He’s from Cape Town South Africa. He grew up pioneering in a Christian family that was filled with the Spirit of God. But he got saved at age four, which is amazing, that’s when I got saved as well. And he started ministering at age 15, which is wild because it’s very similar to myself as well. But he’s been a prophet of a couple of different movements, and has an incredible teaching gift that comes from deeper. The theology that is really self-explored theology, meaning he was self-taught. But because I teach at Bible schools all the time, and I’ve known a lot of theologians. Well, the theology that comes out of Julian, the love-based, grace-based healthy theology that’s holistic, that comes out of him as a prophetic leader, in a teaching gift that’s so wonderful and so pure, I absolutely love it.
But he’s also a director of NewDay United, which is a charity in South Africa and England, and it helps, supports, people in South Africa, which is awesome. And not just South Africa, Southern Africa. And Julian and I met through a good mutual friend named Ben Richard. And Julian wasn’t married yet when we first met. And Julian and myself, did a conference, in Dubai, with Ben Richard, who runs a church there called the Gatekeepers. Amazing church, in a Muslim country. They’re seeing a move of God, that’s just so powerful and beautiful. And as Julian and I met, I really met a kindred spirit. And I listened to not just the way he ministered, but the way he shared about his heart, the vulnerability, and I just knew this was somebody I wanted to have a relationship with.
But then he prophesied, and you guys, it was like, “What? What just happened?” Like he prophesied, and he basically wrapped up a blueprint from the Father’s heart, for the people’s lives. That was…you know, sometimes some of the words were like seven to 10 minutes long, but publicly, and handed them to the people, you know, in the most grace-filled words, and the people felt so significantly connected. And I remember the second time we were together, my wife was with us. And my wife and I had walked out of the meeting after Julian ministered, and we were like, “That was so beautiful.” I felt blessed just by hearing his words. You know, like the book of Revelation says, You’ll be blessed by reading the words,” we felt blessed just by listening to Julian. Just the way he prophesied, the prophetic revelations coming out of him. Even though it wasn’t directed towards us, we felt blessed.
Well, then he gave us a word, and the word really highlighted what God wanted to do in our lives. And really spoke to us specifically about a property that we were to apprehend in LA, that God was about to give us. And great detail about our daughters and their lives, both of our daughters. Just a prototype paradigm for how to raise them. And it was so significant. I mean, we cried like little babies because we just felt so loved on by heaven. And I just wanna expose him to you, because of his heart, he influences influential people all the time, he just is part of who he is, is that the prophecies over world leaders, and over incredible business leaders and these kinds of people. But he has a heart for not only a normal people but for the poorest of the poor.
And so he stands balancing between these different worlds in such a beautiful way. And now he’s married, and he has two children of his own, and he’s just is such a beautiful expression of family. And so, I wanna introduce to you, Julian Adams. Welcome to Exploring the Prophetic Podcast. I’m Shawn Bolz, and I have with me one of my favorite people who hears from God on the planet because of his value system, and his life. His name is Julian Adams. Julian, welcome.
Julian: Hey. Good to be here.
Shawn: Hey. I’m so glad. We’ve been together a lot lately, which is amazing. But I’m glad to have you on the podcast. We’ve had time, I think three times over the last four months. That’s awesome.
Julian: Yeah, it’s been fun.
Shawn: Yeah, and we’ve been around nations together. So, we’ve been here in America, in Dubai, and then again in America. It’s been really fun.
Julian: It really has. It’s been so cool seeing what God’s doing in the nations, through the prophetic, and really bringing something of his heart to so many people. It’s been so good.
Shawn: Well, I got to introduce people to you through our intro. But just again, you’re someone I really respect here. I jokingly call you one of my prophetic heroes, but I’m serious about that as well, which I’m sure is awkward when I’m saying that on the podcast right in front of you. But the reason why, is because you take great risk, but it’s all in the context of relationship, love, and healthy theology. You’re a theologian. Like a lot of people who are getting introduced to you, I want them to know, you and your wife, are both so sound theologically, and you produce reformation-like themes, and I love the way you frame the Gospel, and who Jesus is. But at the same time, like God’s been using you around the nations, really to influence kind of a top-tier level of leadership. I know you do all kinds of things with all kinds of other people too, but I’ve watched you prophesy over CEO’s, and chairmen, and like, business leaders. Like we were in that one meeting, it was either…I don’t know if it was Dubai? It was in Singapore. We were in Singapore too, last year, and I remember…no, it was two years ago, and you prophesied over that couple who’s not even saved. And you’re like, “I see you praying in your prayer room. But I walk into your house, and there’s a…I think you said a red door. “And you go down to the left, and you go all the way down the hall, and there’s this room, and you don’t know who you’re praying to anymore because you’re not sure who to have faith in. But Jesus has heard your prayers, and it’s about your knees, and your shoulders.” I mean, you went through such a detailed word, that not only were they saved, they didn’t even pray a salvation prayer, they just came up afterwards, and they were like, “So we’re with Jesus now.” That was wild.
Julian: It is so much fun. Taking risks, are amazing when they pay off. And so I’m loving how God breaks into those kinds of spaces when you take big risks like that.
Shawn: Absolutely. And those particular people, I mean, they’re the kind of people that I feel like are just our listeners. I just wanna include them in this. God’s actually speaking. Like these are some of the wealthiest people in Dubai. And God’s speaking to a people of influence right now because he’s harvesting harvesters. People who could actually have a great harvest field, he’s bringing them into his kingdom, and interrupting their lives. And I’ve just been watching you, it seems like the Lord is putting trust in you, to speak to some people of influence. So I just wanna invite you to tell us a story. I just told one of your stories. But I wanna invite you to tell us a story. Because I feel like, you know, stories worth a thousand sermons sometimes. And there’s people who are listening, who are like, “Can I actually like give a word to somebody? Like if a celebrity was in an elevator with me, or if I see a billionaire in first class, can I actually…would God give me something for them? Is this realistic?” And it is. Like you’ve been doing these both for unsaved and saved people and helping to bring wisdom and guidance. So, tell us a story. Bring us on a journey.
Julian: Yeah. I think, for me, some of the most exciting things I’m involved in right now, is actually in my home city, the city of Durban, where I relocated from England. Kinda thinking, “What on earth I’m I doing moving an itinerate ministry from England to South Africa? It’s not exactly the center of the world.” So like I quickly landed here, and just had some opportunities to prophesy to a multinational high-level cooperation, right at the highest level. And brought some prophetic insights to the guy who leads this company, both about his life, about his marriage. God just gave me some super words of knowledge about where he was at, and what God was doing. And God is just opening up some significant doors to influence on a citywide platform. And we get to see in terms of our ministry, prophesying over these big players, both in the political arena now, as well as in the business sector and seen God shape a whole region, prophetic flow really, for a whole region. And it means that we’re seeing justice come to the poor. There’s some significant NGO’s that I’ve been able to speak into, bring in kind of wisdom and insight.
And for me, it started with a risk. I don’t have a massive education. I don’t have anything that sets me apart. And I find myself invited into some of the most ridiculous places, in front of millionaires and billionaires, and I’m thinking, “What on earth I’m I gonna give.” And most often, it’s in those contexts that God will give me the most obscure word, which then opens up the door. And just the simple kind of risk and faith, means that those doors open. So for example, getting the name of someone’s yacht, and being able to use that as the hook, that then prophecies into their destiny. And the direct result in South Africa, is that there’s a citywide group of business people, now getting together, asking for prophetic input about how they can give their money to the most vulnerable of society. What does it look like?
Shawn: Wow.
Julian: How are we able, sustainable models to impact that, you know, South Africa, and all of its history, seeing black and white people now coming together…
Shawn: Wow.
Julian: Which is like super significant for South Africa, and in particular for the city of Durban. So, it’s been so much fun, and massively scary at times, sitting in some of these offices, and hearing from God for people, in order to see significant reprobation coming. And so for me, just kind of living in Durban, and stepping out quite regularly. I was on a plane just recently, and the woman who was quite high up in the electoral committee for South Africa was sitting next door to me. I felt God just simply say, “Tell her that her son is gonna be okay. And the very disability that he has, God is gonna help him overcome that.” As I do that…and she’s a massive power-house woman, who is impacting the voting system of South Africa.
Shawn: Oh, wow.
Julian: And God breaks right into her, and she starts weeping. It was super uncomfortable because it was one of those jam-packed flights. But, in that moment, God’s heart just was revealed to her, and I could not only prophesy about her son, who incidentally was writing his first exam. He had this learning disability, and she decided to move him out of a special needs context, into mainstream, because she felt that would be better for him. And they were completely anxious about it. And God just used that hook to get to her heart. And then gave her some hope and some strength, for future impact in terms of her own destiny, to do specifically with the voting systems in South Africa. And so it’s just so much fun when you’re breaking these, some of these contexts.
Shawn: That’s crazy. Wait, let me pause though on some of this because you just said a whole bunch of kind of a place. You’re describing a realm of really coming outside of where you were in England, and you were more involved. And then you had some social involvement. You’ve always had a social conscious as far as what God’s doing outside the church. But you’re really a prophetic voice in a movement of a lot of churches. And then you go to Durban, and God opens up. Which when you speak, you talk about engaging culture and transformational theology. But you start to share, with specifically this one CEO, and that kinda opened the door. And I know there’s many other people you’ve prophesied over and met with. But it opens the door for seeing more transforming, seeing things happen outside of the church context. And I know your local church that you’re involved with in Durban, also has this vision to see God impact the world around ’em.
But I love how you’re just on the plane with a woman, and you hear God so clearly for her. And I think this is what we’re doing the show for, is we’re exploring the prophetic, and saying, you know there’s a prayer list that people are praying about that Christians are unaware of. And if you’re sitting next to someone, almost everybody you sit next to, on a plane, a bus, you know, the car next to you, whatever, in the Coffee line, they have a prayer list, and they are thinking very real thoughts. And these are people who can impact the world, and that do impact the world. And a lot of times, we’re so unaware. And I love how the prophetic makes us aware, and we take a little risk, and it opens up not just while they’re blessed, but it opens up a conversation where God’s on the table, where he wasn’t on the table before, he’s on the table. And their influence can actually change now through God using them, the influence of nations, the influence of industries. And so how cool is that. Tell us another story kind of in that genre. Do you have another one?
Julian: Yeah. I think so it’s similar to the stuff that I’m working into, in particular, in Durban. Where there hasn’t been both in the church world and in the current non-church world. There hasn’t been any clear models of healthy prophetic ministry. And, in particular, a lot of…because the context I’m in, there’s a lot of witchcraft and weird stuff, so anyone who comes in with a clear prophetic word is viewed with suspicion. And so being in particular context where…so for example, recently, just being in a gathering with significant business entrepreneurs, and creatives in our city, leads possibly one of the biggest marketing companies in South Africa, both in terms of platform, internet form, as well as on television. And God giving me some insight about some financial difficulties that they were in, and what they needed to do in order to prepare for what was coming. And so it reformed the whole company. Restructured the whole company. And the thing about this company is it’s one of the biggest companies that has a direct impact in terms of just connections into the political world, connections into releasing kind of help right on the ground.
And being able to sit in their office, and helped augur their culture in their company through the prophetic, and giving them hope in the midst of recession. And then seeing the turnaround of favor and blessing that’s come financially because they’ve executed some of that, has been super cool, and just like… I think the thing for me, is acting out what’s placed in God. I cannot have the word of knowledge or the most detailed word of knowledge, and most often God, would telling me, “I want you to go for the heart stuffs first.” And it’s just getting into, “I see that your son is going through a hard time.” Or, “I see that you and your wife are in a significant place of difficulty.” And then starting to prophesy to the heart stuff, most often it catches peoples attention, particularly high powered people because not many people go up to the heart. And it’s also the back of that, that I then get to start giving shaping words.
And so just again, just recently, been able to address a pretty much all of the significant players in our city, in one room. And been able to prophesy about what God has in store for the city of Durban. So suddenly, the person who just goes to a whole macro level that goes against attraction, was the number of the business people, the creatives, and significant influences in production in television, has meant suddenly, they’re taking seriously what God wants to do in the City of Durban, and putting money into investing, time into investing, expertise into it, and seeing a rollout of God’s Kingdom in which it’s easy for people to meet the him.
Shawn: Which is so cool. Because I think so many times…I’m gonna kinda tie the two things together again, maybe the same or maybe a different way. When you get to the heart of somebody, like what’s precious to ’em, what’s important to him, as far as family. Like, when somebody’s family members or wives are going through something, and they’re like powerful men in business, and you get to the heart of that, when they start to get to the heart of that, it actually opens their heart to see why they’re in business in the first place, what the context of their city is, what God loves about the city. And I feel that they have an opportunity then, to do what they’re doing out of a place of spirit or heart, you know, and passion, And it restores ’em to a place of passion, that maybe went into that industry, and the first place for. And I feel like, how beautiful is that. You’re seeing that right now. And I feel, our listeners, I just want to encourage you, God wants to get to people’s hearts. And when you gets to the heart, when you’re going after the love-based approach to the prophetic, it causes people to open up to the mandate, the mission, or the performance side of stuff. But a lot of times, the prophetic has been used to put identity in the performance side of stuff, and so perpetuate some of the bad patterns that we already see happening in the world. Because religion is so performance-based, but true religion is intimacy based. And so it’s about the spirit and the heart. I know we know that, but it’s great to hear it in the context of these kinds of stories.
Julian: Yeah. So I think one of the most just heartfelt moments in prophetic ministry, because, for me, it really is all about the heart. It’s all about getting to the heart.
Shawn: Absolutely.
Julian: We’re sitting in a massive skyscraper in Singapore. Totally underdressed for the meeting I was going into. I did not know I was going into this meeting. And seeing it was a particular company. The CEO said, “I’m just gonna send employees into your room, and I want you to prophesy over them.” Which is not usually my style. So it was quite a big stretch in terms of, “Oh, my gosh, I’m just gonna have three or four significant players coming in, and what I’m I gonna do?” And I remember sitting down with a particular guy who had no Christian background. He had no reference point for anything spiritual. And I kind of had to do the kind of, “You should just relax, this is gonna be okay. I’m not gonna do anything weird. I’m not gonna start praying anytime and go crazy. This is gonna be pretty normal.” And I remember God giving me an insight about a memory he had at the age of nine, of the family went through when his father left him.
Shawn: Oh, wow.
Julian: “And I said, “You have had your whole life connected to that memory. And so your performance, your marriage, your family, how you do life, has all come out of that root of the family root.” And at that moment, this financial director of a massive company, starts weeping. And he’s just completely undone. And then God begins to give me insight about his family, and then about his future. And, you know, he kept saying, “No one knows this. No one knows that this have been dreams in my heart.” And in that moment, getting to introduce him to the one who dreamed those dreams for him, and put it in his heart was the most incredible thing. And you know, that particular company has a massive impact in terms of working with some of the best nations in the world. And he’s guy who’s gonna be administering some of that finance in terms of where that needs to go. And he’s just having an encounter with the heart of God, that’s unlocked his dreams. And so it just puts a whole different spin on how he’s gonna be spending that money, what he’s gonna be thinking about. And seeing him a year later after that in a different context, just coming up to me saying, “I just want you to know I met Jesus off the back of this.”
Shawn: Wow.
Julian: “And everything has changed. Everything’s changed for my family, everything’s changed with the way that I do my work and how I engage. Simply because God chose to reveal something that happened to him when he was nine years old, to a very random dude, who was totally under qualified, feeling super unprepared for the meeting. And it’s that simple. It’s not that typical. It’s just going with the simple stuff that seems like it’s out there, but God breaks in and brings life to people through that.
Shawn: This is my favorite. I absolutely love it. And I hope as listeners, you guys are exploring the prophetic and what God could do through you. So, for Julian, to say, “I felt unqualified, underdressed, didn’t really know what I was getting into.” We should all feel that way. God loves to use us in the place where we don’t expect it, and we’re just available and saying, yes, to God’s heart. And I love how, you know, this guy wasn’t even saved, and didn’t even have prophetic language, and God crossed the barrier through a relational prophetic skill set, to say, “God is love, and here’s something that he has in his heart for you.” And it just changed this guy’s life. And I’ve actually got to talk to his chairman, the chairman of that company, about this particular man. I don’t know if you know that Julian. And he’s just had such a transformation. Just absolute transformation, Not only in his personal life, but it transformed the way he did business and thought, and actually it’s restructured him in their company because he’s in his will house, he knows his passion, you know, and his drive on what he wants to do in the future, which is so cool. So, hey, we’re running out of time here, but I wanted everyone to be able to get a chance to get a hold of you. So, how do we get a hold…what are you working on right now? How do we get a hold of you? What’s your website address?
Julian: So my website address is quite simple. It’s frequent, and then S-E-E, frequentsee.org. If you get on to frequentsee.org, you’ll find some incredible resources. We’re in the process working on a few e-courses, and some amazing things. But I really wanna highlight my book, “The Kiss of the Father,” which really is my journey into son ship and ministering, from a place of friendship with the Holy Spirit, without performance, without driveness. And it’s really where the heart of love was developed. And so, I really encourage you. In terms of getting that book, you can just head on to my website, frequentsee.org, and you’ll be able to find loads of teachings. But most importantly, I would encourage you to get that book because that’s really my life’s message around living and enjoying person of the Holy Spirit from a place of son ship.
Shawn: Love it. And you’re just one of my favorite people Julian. Thank you so much for being on the show today.
Julian: Thanks, Shawn. Love being.
Shawn: Thanks for listening To Exploring the Prophetic Podcast. I’m your host Shawn Bolz. And I wanna encourage you to continue the conversation with us online at www.Fbolzministries.com. We have exciting resources, e-courses, books, even children’s materials, to help you grow in the prophetic, and go on a continuing journey of hearing God’s voice. If you’re enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe, and rate, and tell all your friends. Join me next time, where we explore the prophetic together.