Julian Adams on Gender Equality- Kingdom Series
So, I think for me, God spoke to me really clearly when I was 18, that one of the roles of the prophetic is to unlock a sense of gift and call for women. And I feel personally called to see women championed and released to do whatever they feel God has called them to do.
I believe that in the Kingdom, there are no restrictions for women. They can operate in whatever area of government leadership, both in the church and outside the church. I began to discover, as I’m married to this beautiful, strong, gifted bible teacher and leader called Katia Adams, that it is so much fun finding out what her gifts are and what my gifts are, and how they fit together. And, out of that, we begin to allow each other to lead each other in specific areas of strength, and in specific areas where I might be weak, Katia might lead me, or I might lead Katia in areas where she’s weak.
It is so much fun doing that and figuring out how we fit together. In fact, when we got married, rather than make a blanket statement, Katia did not simply say, “I submit to you.” Both of us said we will submit to each other because the bible, in Ephesians, calls for mutual submission. I also think that there’s something about how the trinity works; they seem to do this dance called ‘perichoresis’. In the moment that their particular gift (the Father’s gift, for example) is needed, He seems to rise and show Himself and reveal Himself as the Father. And then we see, a little bit later in Galatians, we see that the bible says, “At the right time, the Father sent Jesus.” And so, we see Jesus coming at the right time and He’s shining. And then we see Jesus rescinding and the Holy Spirit is poured out. And they do this dance around one another so that at any given moment they fully represent each other, but they also give each other space to take the limelight, as it were.
I think that’s what Katia and I are doing with each other, and I think that’s how it should work out in the body of Christ. The bible, for me, seems to indicate (particularly in the book of Corinthians) that it’s about the emphasis of the grace gift that God has given a particular person, irrespective of their gender, and the moment God is calling them to shine.
Ultimately, though, Kingdom relationships look like submission. That’s what Paul calls us to in the book of Ephesians. And I can’t wait to see an army of women being released in everything that God’s called them to be. No ceilings; no restrictions. No “you can do this, but you can’t do this.”
Ultimately, what we need in the body of Christ is for women not just to have a platform, but to have influence- real influence- with authority, because God has called us to be equal and to carry the same authority. That’s what it means to be a son or a daughter of God. I am so excited about what God is doing on the earth today in liberating women to not only find their voice, but find their authority that God has uniquely gifted them with for the purpose of coming alongside men, as we mutually submit to one another and be released into the destiny that God has for us, and see the Kingdom of God come in every sphere of life, and in every way possible, and through every person.
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