This week in an instagram post, I shared some of my favorite tips for growing in your prophetic gift. If we're not intentionally working to mature our gift, we'll continue to prophesy with little impact on the world around us. One of my biggest missions is to help people not only increase their gift, but understand what it looks like to live a healthy prophetic lifestyle.
As I've watched hundreds of students go through my online prophetic school, I've noticed the areas that seem to be the most important when developing your gift. Here are my tips:
Training, practice, and impartation are all good things... but they’re only part of growing your prophetic gift. Your priority should always be to develop your own intimacy with God through prayer, worship, and reading scripture.

Not everything you hear from God is for right now. Ask the Lord for the right timing before you share a word with someone, this will not only increase your intimacy with Him, it will increase the effectiveness of your words.
Proper discernment isn’t simply hearing what God’s saying, it’s knowing why He’s saying it. Get in the habit of asking God the big “why” before you share any significant prophetic words. This will keep you from misrepresenting God’s heart with your own assumptions.
Your prophetic words should not need the gift of interpretation! Let wisdom guide your prophecy as you consider your audience and context. Seek to present every word appropriately so that people can engage with God no matter their background.
There is always more with God. Moses, hidden in the cleft of the rock, saw God’s glory pass by. But in the new covenant we get to see His glory with an unveiled face. Don’t be afraid to ask God to reveal more of Himself to you!
Did you find these tips helpful? I hope you did. If you're interested in continuing to grow your prophetic gift, join
my online prophetic school, Vox Dei. This self-paced online school will help you learn how to confidently communicate Gods heart, step out in greater prophetic accuracy, and walk in a healthy prophetic lifestyle.
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