I am more and more convinced that the Bible is true when it says that the Kingdoms of this world will become, and are becoming, the Kingdoms of our God.
I think that when you begin to understand that any worldly system- whether it be communism, whether it be socialism, whether it be democracy- all of those systems are nothing compared to what the Kingdom looks like.
The Kingdom is led by an incredible King called Jesus who models his Kingship not by grasping for power or position, not by legislating a Christian world-view, not by trying to get people into uniformity or systems that determine... What’s the word I am looking for?... That make people do what He wants them to do. It’s not determined by any of those things.
That Kingdom led by our King looks like a life laid down. It looks like letting go of power, it looks like letting go of position, in order to demonstrate a new way of love. A new way of being. A new way of being human; that’s what Jesus modelled for us.
And I think when we begin to understand that, we will realize that, really, the hope of our nation is not in getting the ‘right’ government in place, it’s not in getting the ‘right’ president in place. In fact, I don’t believe it’s got designs simply to have Christian countries that legislate Christianity. I believe that the Kingdom always works in obscurity.
You will see through all the parables that Jesus talks about the Kingdom being like a mustard seed; it drops into nothing, but it begins to grow, and it begins to demonstrate God’s kindness. And the way the Kingdom grows is not through finding positions of power, it’s not through voting for the ‘right’ people. And that is important; I believe it is important to vote. I lived in a country where I couldn’t vote for many years. I believe in voting wisely, and I believe in voting for what looks like Kingdom-values on display.
But what I do not believe is that I will find hope in a politician. I do not believe that I will find hope in a ‘King’ in this world. I only find hope in a King called Jesus. And when our communities and churches begin to realize that the hope of seeing the Kingdom demonstrated is not through legislating laws that protect our freedom (although that’s important), it’s through living lives that look like the Kingdom.
It’s through living lives that lay down our lives for others. It’s through loving the one in front of us. It’s through lifting the poor and the broken. It’s through making sure that we stop human trafficking, making sure that we stop modern day slavery. It’s making sure that we engage with the issues around us through a Kingdom-lens of love. It means that we want freedom and security for everyone. It means that the way I deal with the immigrant looks like love; it doesn’t look like trying to self-protect, because ultimately God is the one who protects us.
Our nation, South Africa, has seen some of the xenophobia that’s led to incredible violence. That’s not what the Kingdom looks like. The Kingdom looks like, “How do I serve the one who’s oppressed?” It looks like me not waiting for a politician to try and change laws. It looks like me going, “I am the expression of the King and His Kingdom. I am the expression of His love and His kindness. I am the expression of shalom.”
The bible says that the government of Jesus is a government of peace. That word is ‘shalom’. It means that we make things the way God always intended them to be. We are the shoulders on which that government rests. We are the demonstration of peace to the world around us. How we live our lives is ultimately what changes culture, which changes hearts, which brings transformation, and which ultimately changes a country and disciples a nation.
When we begin to live like that, oh my gosh, things begin to change. I want you to hear me: I’m not saying, “Go vote for a good candidate”. I don’t really care who or what you vote for. What I care about is: are you good news to the poor? Are you good news to the broken? Are you living from a place of love? Because ultimately the only government that is being established on the earth is the government through which the church demonstrates the Kingdom.
The bible says that there are many principalities and powers. The word ‘principality’ means ‘first ruler’. Ultimately, the first ruler over any given area should be the church, because we are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. How we demonstrate the Kingdom through love, and establishing a government of peace on earth, is subversive engagement, and eventually it will topple every other government, it will topple every other expression, until we begin to see the Kingdom of God fully established on the earth. And there will be a day when He comes back and His government will finally cover everything, and all ends will be made new. Until then, I want to be a prophetic picture of what it’s going to look like in the way that I live.
Frequentsee Inc. PO Box 171629, Boston, Ma 02117