Can anyone else relate to this? When you step out to bring a word, but the individual or community doesn't seem to receive it. This is one of my biggest frustrations in prophecy.
Here's just one tip for what I call the "burden of the Lord", taken from week 7 of my course Vox Dei!
...and in doing so I will get offended and frustrated with leaders or individuals who didn't hear the word of the Lord, or that which I was carrying for them. And I'd be like, "You need to do something." And I'd hold them to account, until God began to help me understand that my job in the new covenant was to deliver the word, not to bring the word to pass. My job was to help people partner with the word, not to make them partner with the word. And this will solve you a whole load of pain, friends, when the disappointment of people not listening to you, which is part of the prophetic journey. Many of you would have brought words that was disregarded. I often used to get frustrated when I'd be prophesying, sometimes two or three years ahead of what God was doing, saying this is what needs to happen. Two years later, after wrestling with these words, after crying out to leadership, saying, "Please listen to what I'm saying. Something has to shift," another person comes in and they bring the exact same word, sometimes using the same phrases, and immediately leadership or individuals react to it as if it's the first time they heard this jolly word. It was very frustrating. In fact, sometimes it would make me downright angry and irritated with people. But what I've learnt is that it is the burden of the Lord, and He has a way to bring it to pass. He has a way to bring it to conclusion. His purposes are established, whether it comes as a result of me bringing the word, or out of someone else bringing the word. What I'm called to do is in the moment carry what God's telling me to carry, discharge it and give it away, the way God tells me to give it away, and then to trust Him in it all. The second aspect of carrying.
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